Welcome to Ideas on Design

Ideas on Design is a personal blog where I explore the fields of design, branding, and creativity. My writings range from opinion pieces to curated links and research. Rest assured, not everything makes it into emails. Ideas on Design is free, so if you find value in it, please subscribe, or even better, share it with others.

Opinion pieces about design, branding and creativity → Ideas

Newsletter with commentary on a curated collection of links → Design Digest

Research on the associations behind brands → Brand Frameworks

Probably coming soon → Interviews

Hope you enjoy and subscribe. It’s free.

About me

I am David, a brand designer, strategist, and hobbyist photographer. I have been working in design for more than 15 years, and in 2020, I started writing Ideas on Design, on and off, as a way to share insights, resources, and structure my own thoughts.

If you would like to follow me elsewhere, you can visit my website here, add me on LinkedIn, take a look at my photography here, and listen to my playlists on Dig this vibe. Get in touch! I am always up for a good chat.

Subscribe to Ideas on Design

Ideas on Design is a personal blog exploring the fields of design, branding, and creativity.


Designer, frustrated musician, average photographer.