Design Glossary

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A/B Test: A methodology of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.

Archetype: A standardised model of a personality or behaviour, often used in Marketing , storytelling, psychology, and philosophy.

Artifacts (UX): Documents that design teams create to gather, organize and present information throughout the UX process. Some examples are: user personas, scenarios, user stories and storyboards.


Brand: The identity, experience and perception of a commercial, cultural or personal entity.

Brand Awareness: The measure of how familiar customers are with a brand. Spontaneous (unaided) when a brand is named without any aid, or Prompted (aided) when a brand is picked from a list.

Brand Perception: The set of associations that represent what the brand stands for in the minds of consumers, the sum of a consumer's feelings, experiences, and thoughts about a product or service - it's what people believe a brand represents, rather than what a brand says it represents. Brand perception is often measured through quantitative consumer research with a sample size that is representative of the brand's target group.


Customer journey: A model of the interactions a customer has with your brand, product, service, or organisation over time. From direct interactions, to indirect interactions.


Design: Creative process where information and insights are transformed into value and meaning.

Distinctive: Something which is recognisably different in nature from something else of a similar type. In branding, distinctiveness means the quality of standing out from competitors, ideally in a positive and memorable way.


Logo: A logo is an abbreviation of logotype, applied broadly to mean a trademark – a symbol and/or stylised text signifying a brand.


Persona: The user persona is a fictional character profile that represents the main clientele of a company. It’s a realistic model of the people you are seeking to assist.